Dear Daughter,It’s Mother’s Day, but all I can think about is you. As I brush your hair, staring at the delicate curls falling gently on your young shoulders, I can’t help but think about the many exciting, confusing and wonderful days ahead of you.And there is something I want you to know...Your worth is not determined by a number. The number on the scale, the number of followers you have and the number in your bank account are not important. What is important is the number of times you remember that you’re a daughter of the King, the Creator of heaven and earth.Your beauty isn’t found in your toned body, perfect teeth or cool clothes. All those things will fade, but your beauty will grow as you speak grace and truth into others lives. The scale will rise and fall and the years will come and go, but your true reflection of beauty isn’t found when you stare into the mirror, but rather into the Bible.It’s easy to start worrying about what others think. Don’t. Don’t let others define you. Don’t waste one moment stressing about their opinions. Own your imperfections and inadequacies, ask God to redeem and refine you, and run bravely and joyfully through life as you pursue great things.God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you perfectly even though you aren’t perfect. He doesn’t want cool—he wants kind. He doesn’t want behaved—he wants faithful. He doesn’t want your accomplishments— he wants your adoration. He doesn’t want your head knowledge—he wants your heart. Most importantly, He wants you to find your identity in Him.At times, you will try and find value in relationships, in dates to the hip parties, and in having a popular social post. You’ll be in tears when that handsome boy doesn’t ask you out and when that immature football player breaks your heart. I wish I could help you avoid these moments, but it happens as you learn to love. Just know every tear you shed is bathed in prayer.Look for the friends who will see your soul, who will stick by you on the hardest day, and you who will stand beside you in the fiercest storm. Look for the ones who will cheer you on. Look for the ones who will pursue the awkward, the ignored and the lonely. Look for the ones who are willing to love you and expect nothing in return. Look for them—and also be that friend.Daughter, look for the guy who loves Jesus more than anything else. He won’t be perfect, but he will see you as Jesus does. He will value and protect your heart and body. Your purity will be more important than his pleasure.Look for Jesus before you look for a guy. See your worth as he does. He formed you. He fashioned you and you are made in his image. He knows every hair on your head. He has inscribed you on the palm of his hand. You are his. You are loved. You are the apple of his eye. Fall in love with him before you fall in love with anyone else. No one will satisfy you like Jesus. He is the lover of your soul. Don’t fall for the lie of the enemy. Life is not found in lustful moments, exotic trips, or fancy toys. If you chase after such things, you’ll never find satisfaction.Never lose your innocent joy. The world will try and bring you down with it’s unrealistic expectations. You will certainly have trouble. You will find out how quickly time will go, how little control you have and how people will let you down.  But keep smiling.And hold on to Jesus. He is the author of life. He will redeem and restore you. He is not only good, but He is good to you. He isn’t trying to rip you off—he wants to set you free.Daughter, you are one of my greatest joys. I’ve always loved you, even though there are things I wish I had done differently. I’ve reacted in frustration. I’ve lost my cool. I’ve spent more time focused on the urgent than the important. I’ve looked away and tuned you out. I’ve been too exhausted or distracted to play. I’ve missed opportunities to listen and nurture you. But despite it all, I have loved you fiercely. And I have the stretch marks, extra pounds and sleepless nights to prove it.I’ve needed grace many times and you’ve always given it to me. You’ve seen me at my worst and still think I’m the best. So thank you.I continue to pray that you’ll find Jesus, or more importantly, that He finds you. I’ve always tried to demonstrated my faith to you. And I pray you see His love perfectly through my imperfection. I hope you understand that there is nothing you could do or say that would ever cause me to love you any more or less than I already do. And someday, if God gives you an opportunity to have a daughter, I hope you feel the same.My Mother’s day is happy, because of you.Love forever,Mom