When you can’t do it all.Sister, stop thinking you can.None of us can. It’s called being human. Humanity is beautiful, adaptable, and redeemable. But not perfect. At least not this side of heaven.Only God can do it all, and we have to stop trying to be Him. It’s not our job description. Our job is to reflect Him.So why do we try and say “yes” to everything?Why do we feel the need to be there for everyone?Why do we feel like a failure when we forget something, mess up or fall short?Why do we compare ourselves to the other girl, the other mom, the other teacher, leader, or friend?Why do we feel like we are never doing enough? Never a good enough mom, friend, spouse, or lover. We’re never skinny enough, brave enough, smart enough or creative enough.We are constantly chasing some image of perfection. And this keeps us from enjoying the moment, living in peace and thankful for what we have.Sister, God made you exactly how He intended. He doesn’t make mistakes. He made you the perfect mom for those kids. He put you in that difficult situation. He has given you those unique gifts and personality. On purpose.He doesn’t need another “her.” He doesn’t want you to mimic that other woman’s life. He wants you to be content just the way He made you.He wants you faithful in the moment. He wants the next best “yes”. He wants you finding rest and contentment in Him — not what other people think, not in how well you live up to the expectations or how successful you become.God will never lead you to a place and not go with you, call you to a task and not enable you or give you a role and not equip you.He wants you to give it your best...and then rest.Your best and then rest.Your best and then rest.That’s it. That’s a day, week, year and life well-spent and well-done.Be mindful of what is urgent and what is important. Time slips away. Pour into the activities that develop souls and leave legacy. Just because a work is invisible, doesn’t make it insignificant.Yes, there will be responsibilities that seem monotonous and unimportant. Yes, we will have days that feel pointless and less glamorous.Sometimes you will need to tell the kids to go jump on the trampoline while you scrub the Mac and cheese off their plates and tidy up the kitchen table. That’s ok too.Sometimes you just need a minute of quiet and a chance to think. Or breathe.Know what to put off and what to leave for later, what appointments to cancel and when to pause. Some things can wait.Somedays you will drop the ball. Or the whole basket of balls. That is not laziness. That is not inadequacy. That is not identity. That is not failure. That is just life. Remember that if one ball is dropped, then you have a free hand to catch whatever else He may be throwing your way. And that might be intentional. That might be a blessing.And there will be times to push through and do the hard things.Don’t let the noise of life cripple you. Don’t stay a hot mess. Rise up. Live with intent and purpose. Work hard. Be bold and courageous with the way you serve and love in the jobs He puts before you.But don’t think that God has asked you to do or be all the things and at all times. There is a difference.Surrendered effort is working for God. It knows when to stop, when to rest and when to say no. It also knows that the harvest is not dependent on you. It prays. It realizes more is accomplished on bended knee than talent and frantic hustle.He has called you to Kingdom work. His work. And therefore the outcome is on him. Which is good, good news.One day, God will not say, “Well done, good and faithful speaker, author, leader, CEO, entrepreneur, mogul.” He will say, “Well done, good and faithful SERVANT.”Live with that in mind. And rest in surrendered effort.Aways remember this one thing . . . there is nothing you could do to make Him love you anymore or any less than He already does at this very moment.You can’t do it all. Now live like you believe it.